Royal Marines Commando addition: Scarpa boots and Berghaus bergen


The Royal Marines were well equipped for a cold, damp environment such as the Falklands, thanks to their use as a major reinforcement component for the NATO’s northernmost command, the Allied Forces North Norway. In particular, the Royal Marines high combat boots were well-suited for their intended use, and far superior to British Army DMS boots - yet still some Marines opted to spend their own hard-earned coin on something better yet – a pair of commercial Italian-made Scarpa mountaineering boots.

We now bring Scarpa boots, used in conjunction with either Norwegian Army gaiters (guess where the Marines got those!?), or with regular British old-school puttees, to Model Creator’s Royal Marine Commandos.

In addition, we round-up this expansion of non-standard issue items with the Berghaus Mk1 Cyclops Roc bergen. This rucksack was used by quite a few Royal Marine Commandos, and even today is praised by the veterans as an excellent piece of kit.
